My Christmas Acrostic Poem


So, two weeks ago, I set the challenge of writing a Christmas Acrostic poem, and I may have mentioned that I first did this when I was in school. I didn’t want to influence yours in any way so I didn’t tell you anymore than that, but now that you’ve had two weeks to think about it, and seeing as it’s that festive sharing time of year, here, for anyone who’s interested, is my attempt at a Christmas acrostic poem (aged 10). Enjoy!

Cradle rocking in a stable

Happy Christmas to all that bring

Robin redbreast watching Mary

Ice covers the earth below

Stable getting colder and colder

Tiny Jesus born today

Music comes to the little prince

Angels praise him up above

Santa reminds us with his gifts, every Christmas time that comes

Merry Christmas everyone xx


©Abigayle Blood

T’was the Night Before Christmas | For Bibliophiles


T’was the night before Christmas, and all through the house,

Not a kindle was stirring, nor even a mouse.

The stockings were hung by the fire with care

In hopes that books would soon appear there.


The bibliophiles nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of fairy-tales danced in their heads.

Stories of heroes and villains and such,

And rescuing fair maidens from a dragon’s clutch.


Or vampires and fairies; witches and wizards;

The Fellowship of the Ring fighting through a blizzard.

Romantic tales of getting the girl;

Or thrillers, and bloodshed for diamonds and pearls.


All types of stories and genres of book,

Read for the love of an exciting hook.

Oh Santa, please, be a dear thing,

A new novel or two or three with you bring.


And in the morning what will you find?

A new box of stationary or machine to bind;

A retro typewriter or flashy new Mac;

Some brand new notebooks and pens in a pack.


Some writer-themed clothing, a bookmark or two,

Any and all could be useful to you.

But the real present we all hope to see

Is something book-shaped under the tree.


Merry Christmas Bibliophiles xx

©Abigayle Blood

Writing Prompt: Christmas Acrostic


OK, so unless you’ve been living under a rock in the outback with no internet connection, you can’t have failed to notice it’s getting close to Christmas.

If you’re anything like me you will have been fighting this whole festive thing since it started in September – I mean seriously, let’s at least enjoy celebrating Halloween properly before we even contemplate getting out the tinsel!

But now it is a mere few weeks away, perhaps it is time to really embrace the Christmas spirit – mince pies, fairy lights and all – so that you can enjoy it before it whooshes past in a whirlwind of wrapping paper, silver bows and baubles.

So with that in mind, your writing challenge should you choose to accept it is: Write a Christmas acrostic poem.

This is simple. Spell out the letters of C.h.r.i.s.t.m.a.s. down the left hand side of a page, and then write a verse for each line beginning with the appropriate letter. I first did this back in primary (elementary) school, and my Mum still gets it out every year now.

You don’t need to spend hours creating a masterpiece, although do that if you feel inspired, but just have fun with it. Enjoy the process of creating something festive. It might just get you into the Christmas mood. And who knows, if it’s really good, show your mum – she may just decide to get it out every year from now on, too! 🎄🎅🏻🎁


T’was the Night Before Christmas | For Bibliophiles


T’was the night before Christmas, and all through the house,

Not a kindle was stirring, nor even a mouse.

The stockings were hung by the fire with care

In hopes that books would soon appear there.


The bibliophiles nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of fairy-tales danced in their heads.

Stories of heroes and villains and such,

And rescuing fair maidens from a dragon’s clutch.


Or vampires, and fairies; witches and wizards;

The Fellowship of the Ring fighting through a blizzard.

Romantic tales of getting the girl;

Or thrillers, and bloodshed for diamonds and pearls.


All types of stories and genres of book,

Read for the love of an exciting hook.

Oh Santa, please, be a dear thing,

A new novel or two or three with you bring.


And in the morning what will you find?

A new box of stationary or machine to bind;

A retro typewriter or flashy new Mac;

Some brand-new notebooks and pens in a pack.


Some writer-themed clothing, a bookmark or two,

Any and all could be useful to you.

But the real present we all hope to see

Is something book-shaped under the tree.


Merry Christmas Bibliophiles xx

©Abigayle Blood

10 Gift Ideas for the Writer in your Life


Shopping for writers is a pain in the ass.

Sure, there’s plenty of booze you can choose from, but how original is that? Plus, by now, you must have gotten your writer a dozen bottles for the holidays. Being a writer is hard enough without someone encouraging a dependency issue.

With that in mind, I scoured the Internet and found 10 more cool gifts for the writer in your life.


10 of the Best Poems about Drinks and Drinking | Interesting Literature

Here’s something to get you in the festive spirit.

We like to think of Interesting Literature as a library, a vast virtual library full of literary treats and unexpected delights. But if it is, it is a library with a spacious bar and plenty of drinks on offer. Previously, we’ve considered some of the most curious synonyms for ‘drunk’ in the English language, so we thought it was about time we contemplated some of the best poems about drink in English literature. We hope you like these alcoholic verses, these boozy paeans to beer – but if you have a favourite wine-soaked work of poetry we’ve missed off, please join us at the bar and leave your suggestions below…

via 10 of the Best Poems about Drinks and Drinking | Interesting Literature